“Thor: Love and Thunder”
“Thor: Love and Thunder”

“Thor: Love and Thunder”

“Thor: Love and Thunder” (2022)

This movie is insane, ok I just need to get this out of the way; this is the movie that we needed from the MCU, but at the same time, it’s going to feel like it doesn’t belong as a part of this larger universe. The reason is simple it never tries to belong, and it is just its own unique thing.

This should be good news for everyone, with all the people that are always saying the problem of the MCU is that every movie feels the same, that it follows a formula and that we don’t get the voice of the director, sadly, I can tell you now many people will have an issue with this movie for those exact same reasons.

“Thor: Love and Thunder” does not only have the voice of Taika Waititi, but like the goats in the movie, he keeps screaming from start to end that this is his movie and he will do it his way no matter how weird it becomes.

I, for one, love, what he has done with the thor franchise; he saw the comedic talent that Hemsworth has. He just keeps pushing the boundaries to the point that this becomes more of a comedy than an action/superhero movie, the characters that he creates and surrounds Thor with are just comedy gold. He balances that with a great villain played by Bale and some of the best visually stunning action sequences.

The chemistry between Hemsworth with Bale is another factor that elevates this movie; Hemsworth now is Thor in every single way; he does not feel he is playing a character; everything comes naturally, and even how he developed his body for this role helps to give more realism to this character, and that helps everyone to do the same in this movie, especially when we talking about top tier actors like Bale, Portman, Crowe and Thompson.

There are just so many things I can’t talk about with no spoilers, but you can expect the best love triangle you have ever seen, and I am telling you now there is no way you will guess what I am talking about.

A touching villain that will impact Thor’s life like no one ever did before, a heartbreaking moment that again is delivered in a way that very few MCU movies did, some new characters and some old ones that make this probably the richest MCU movie when we are talking about supporting cast.

“Thor: Love and Thunder” is just so unique and executed in a way that every element just adds to the experience; from the incredible soundtrack, stunning visuals, the editing, the cast, the story and even the reason it has this title, it all fits perfectly in the smaller runtime that shows its not about the size but what you do with it.

Have you seen it? What did you think?
What other characters do you want to see in a Thor movie?




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