“Magic Mike’s Last Dance”
“Magic Mike’s Last Dance”

“Magic Mike’s Last Dance”

Magic Mike’s Last Dance” (2023)

When over 10 years ago, when we first read the rumours that Steven Soderbergh, after the huge success of the “Oceans” trilogy, was going to do a movie about male strippers, we could never imagine that first, it would also become a trilogy and second that they would be this good.

Magic Mike could be just another dance movie; it could rely solely on the fabulous dance acts like movies like “Step Up”, but Soderbergh is a better director than that; if you saw his first movie “Sex, Lies, and Videotape” you know he is fascinated by people sexuality and what that says about who they really are.

What the Magic Mike trilogy did was just that, in the middle of the dances, the sexuality gives us a look at some great characters, sadly with every new movie, we lose most of them, but still, we get to Mike’s last dance with Mike, Channing Tatum that again in this franchise he just feels at home and can bring all his charisma.

This is probably the weakest of the 3 movies story-wise, but because it kind of let itself go and didn’t take itself seriously, it is probably the most entertaining one; with a stunning Salma Hayek and a great comedic release by Ayub Khan Din, this movie has you entertained from start to end, and after the final act you just wonder why we can’t have more of this movies.

Fully recommend going and watching this movie in a cinema, its loads of fun and pretty much the perfect movie for a valentine’s date, oh and I almost forgot to say because we got invited for the premiere, all of us in the cinema had the pleasure of a real-life striptease in the cinema by 2 guys and a girl, to be fair they never got to the level of the dancers in the movie but being as cold as it was and striping We had to applaud them.

Have you seen it? What did you think?
What are your favourite dance movies?




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