It Ends With Us (2024)
It Ends With Us (2024)

It Ends With Us (2024)

It Ends With Us

Now, before we start… I’ve never read It Ends With Us, and to those of you who are like the girl who was sitting behind me, quoting and knowing every detail about the characters, please cut me some slack if I get a few things wrong.

I enjoyed this film, and when I heard the plot and how the film could have gone if it had followed the original story, I did get slightly worried. With such a hard and raw topic as domestic violence, which happens to 1 in 5 adults, it is absolutely crucial that they treat this with the utmost respect and accuracy. Thank goodness they did, and believe me, they had me worried in places, but they saved themselves by steering away from continuing an unhealthy relationship.

Though such a tough pill to swallow, the film is also quite lighthearted and fun in areas, which I think is such a great touch. Not only does it use this and romance as a way to draw in an audience that NEEDS to hear this message, but it also makes it clear that there are people around you who are ready to help you, reminding you of your life outside and the future without violence.

However, there were points in the film that felt a little artificial to me, almost like a commercial film. This may be due to the style of cinematography or just the vibe it gives off; however, it did feel like I never really connected. This is just my opinion, though. Based on the reactions of many people in the screening, including my sister, the film touched a lot of hearts. I just wish there had been more of those intense, yet empowering, moments like the one on the hospital bed, rather than so much time spent romanticizing this old relationship, with a guy that disappears for apparently years at the end of the movie.

Overall, the film delivers a message that I think needs to be represented more in cinema—a message that symbolizes a way out of a life you may feel imprisoned in. I’ve seen a lot of people criticizing the way this film is being marketed to the public, but I think it’s a work of genius. Drawing in all the teenage girls and young men who think they’re coming to watch a Kissing Booth or an After type of film (which glorifies unhealthy relationships, by the way) and instead teaching them a lesson is perfect.

It Ends With Us may not be like the book, but this might be the first time where I say thank God it isn’t.

I would also like to say that if you identify with these characters or with this film, see yourself within this even, please reach out for help. It’s important to find safety and to find a way out that’s healthy and safe.

What did you think of It Ends With Us? Have you read the book?




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